Should you sort this DLC out?
Sort, stack, and organize household objects into particular arrangements in A Little to the Left: Cupboards & Drawers. Prepare to clean out the cabinets and secret compartments of the home with even more charming illustrations, surprising scenarios, and 25 delightful new Cupboards & Drawers themed puzzles to discover.
Less than a month ago, I reviewed the PS5 version of A Little to the Left and loved how zen it was. There was something relaxing and rewarding about sorting everyday items in different ways and I wanted more…little did I know there was more coming around the corner so soon in the form of DLC…
The Cupboards & Drawers DLC contains 25 new puzzles for you to get your teeth into. The name of the DLC kind of gives away what to expect, but it does also have a few surprises such as puzzles within puzzles, as well as drawers and cupboards that have secret compartments. Some puzzles require certain drawers to be open/closed to move objects between them or to somewhere else. And of course, there’s more cat interaction…this time with 4 Pet the Cat interludes.
The DLC costs £4.99 and also contains a bunch of new trophies to unlock. There’s nothing particularly challenging to be found with the list, so just take your time, relax and solve the puzzles at your own pace. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of content you got for the price and adds a decent challenge on top of the base game, which was already relatively cheap at £11.99.
The visuals are still simple, but charming. The music is calming and there never feels like you’re against the clock or anything. It’s definitely one of the most zen games this year.
The Verdict
The Cupboards & Drawers DLC adds a good number of new puzzles, adds a few twists to the formula and still leaves you wanting more. All in all, a superb addition to an already great game.