PS5 Review: Street Food Restaurant Owner

Does this game serve up an appetising experience?

You don’t need Michelin Star to create the best restaurant in the world. Who says street food can’t be delicious? Open a real street food restaurant in your city and make it a legend. It’s all for your beloved customers and let everyone come and find something tasty. Make this place trendy and watch your business grow! Take on the role of a street food entrepreneur and master the art of food preparation, customer service and efficient management. From sourcing fresh ingredients to designing workflows. You’ll need strategic planning and quick decision-making to grow your business and keep your customers happy. Street Food Restaurant Owner is a cooking game that puts you in charge of a street food café. Cook delicious meals, serve hungry customers, and manage your ingredients wisely to avoid waste. Your reputation is everything – manage your food stall, serve delicious meals and impress customers to build your brand. Every satisfied customer boosts your reputation and unlocks upgrades and new recipes. But beware – one mistake can ruin your reputation.

Street Food Restaurant Owner is a fast-food sim in which you run a restaurant in first-person, serving up basic junk food like burgers and fries, while expanding the range as you unlock them. You have to manually order in products, stack the shelves, cook the food and deal with customers. It’s pretty basic and you will see a lot of the same NPCs come in sometimes at the same time.

Despite this, it does work well and is surprisingly addictive. The controls are easy to get to grips with, while the process can become repetitive after a while, it is satisfying to do. It would be nice if you actually had some other staff on hand to assist, but its relatively stress free.

The visuals are pretty basic, but get the job done. Like I said, there are only a few different NPCs and they do repeat quite a bit, which is both funny and lazy. I didn’t come across any glitches during my time, which was nice and the trophy list is manageable.

The Verdict

Street Food Restaurant Owner does what you would expect and nothing else. That’s not a bad thing and it’s not a bad game, its clearly been made on a small budget and despite repeating NPCs and being a bit repetitive, it’s still addictive to play over a short time.

Score: 6.5

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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