Nintendo Switch Review: Stunt Flyer

Is this game cleared for take-off or is there a crash landing on the horizon?

Adventure full of fantastical inventions and flying vehicles. From UFOs to gyrocopters and jet planes, Stunt Flyer has a wide variety of planes, and each of those planes can be equipped with their very own equipment.

Stunt Flyer was originally a Wii title that I wasn’t aware of, but it has now received the HD treatment and is now on Switch. It is reminiscent of Pilotwings Resort for the 3DS in its design. There are 3 areas that you can fly around with challenges scattered across such as flying through hoops, racing from one side of an island to another and so on.

You will level up completing these challenges and finding collectibles, which unlocks further challenges that you need to be a certain level to participate in. It’s wholesome, family friendly fun and you can also play with a second player in local split-screen. The planes handle well and the HD rumble is used well here.  It’s an easy game, designed for a younger audience but it still has an element of challenge in there.

The visuals have a simplistic, yet charming look to them. It runs smoothly and I didn’t come across any glitches during my playthrough, the soundtrack is also impressive with a chilled approach that makes the game even more calming.

The Verdict

Stunt Flyer isn’t a game that is going to set the world on fire, but it’s still a charming little game that has cute visuals, handles well and is fun, yet calming to play. If you missed out on the Wii version as I did, then you should give this a try.

Score: 8.0

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