Fire Emblem gets the Dynasty Warriors treatment…
Clash with legions of soldiers and fierce monsters as Marth, Xander, Corrin, and other Fire Emblem heroes unleashing over-the-top-powerful Dynasty Warriors-style moves. Take direct control of known and original Fire Emblem characters, issue them strategic commands in the midst of battle, pair up heroes to unleash stunning attacks and more. Unlock new playable heroes, each with their own unique moves, special attacks, weapon types, and voiced dialogue in this large-scale action game from the Hyrule Warriors team.
After the success of Hyrule Warriors, it was inevitable that we’d get another Nintendo series that got the Dynasty Warriors treatment, this comes in the form of the Fire Emblem series which I actually know very little about other than the few appearances some characters have made in the Super Smash Bros series, so it was a good opportunity to learn more about the series. But how does the crossover work out?
In terms of gameplay, it handles like your typical DW game as you would expect. The story is fairly standard but does enough to get the game going forward. The roster of fighters focuses mainly on the newer characters to the series from the 3DS games, but there’s still plenty of fan service here. I was impressed with the game’s visuals as well as the overall performance in terms of framerate, which is a lot more stable than Hyrule Warriors was.
The great thing about Fire Emblem Warriors is that you can pick it up at any point, lay down thousands of enemies in a few minutes and pop it away if you’ve had enough. Of course, it being on Switch gives you the best of both worlds between being played on a TV or handheld, which always is a bonus.
The Verdict
Fire Emblem Warriors is a must have for any Switch owner. It performs better than Hyrule Warriors ever did and it looks amazing at the same time while giving plenty of fan service to the Fire Emblem series. The only thing that lets it down is the roster and its story, but only marginally.