The classic puzzler lands on PSN
Experience the classic gem-swapping puzzler. Bejeweled 2 lovers can now earn over 10 unique PS3 trophies and play Bejeweled 2 on the PSP via remote play. Swap gems to match 3 or more, and delight in four different game modes and explosive new gem types. With amazing planetary backdrops and awesome special effects in 1080p, Bejeweled 2 will dazzle you.
Bejeweled 2 has been out for a long time on other platforms and now it finally lands on the Playstation Network. Should you pick this puzzler up or leave it alone?
If you are unfamiliar with Bejeweled 2, essentially you are given a grid with different gems and you have to match three in a row either horizontally or vertically to get rid of them. If you match 4 or more, the gem will become explosive and when matched with another, will detonate. One will even detonate one particular kind of gem for you to choose. It’s nothing that we haven’t seen before, but it’s good old fun nonetheless.
The game isn’t much different from any other version, but it does look pretty in 1080p…even if it doesn’t exactly set the world alight. Essentially, if you are a puzzle nut and for some reason haven’t played Bejeweled 2 before…then this is the version to pick up. It comes with trophy support, which I’m very pleased about…despite my own feelings on them.
In Bejeweled 2 you will find a standard mode which places you in a normal grid and it gets generally harder as you progress, sometimes leaving you no more combinations left…resulting in a nasty game over screen. There’s also a Time Attack mode which speeds things up considerably as well as an endurance-type mode which tries to see just how long you can last playing the game. It’s all simple stuff and nothing we haven’t seen before, but still nice.
If you have played and own a version of Bejeweled 2, then it’s kind of difficult to recommend that you pick up this version since the only differences seem to be trophy support and a few new gems. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but the XBLA version came out in 2005 and the game seems more or less the same.
The Verdict
Bejeweled 2 is a fun and enjoyable game. It’s a must-have game if you don’t have any other version, if you do then I would try and hold out for Bejeweled 3, if it ever comes out that is…