PS5 Review: Blow It Up

Should you blow this game to kingdom come?

Blow It Up is a physics destruction game. Unlock new bombs, explore the world and go on an epic journey of destruction.

If you’ve ever played a game like Angry Birds then you’ll know what to expect from Blow It Up. You aim and throw your bombs to try and destroy everything on the screen, but you only get a certain number to use and you have to be reliant on the debris falling in just the right way to trigger more explosions or crushing enemies.

You do get different types of bombs that act in different ways, giving more of a strategic element to the standard launching birds at pigs from Angry Birds. The different bomb types have abilities you can activate while in mid-air such as cluster splits and flyer drop bombs to name a few. It definitely is a nice twist on the formula and it works well overall.

There’s a level editor to also keep you occupied as well, while it took me about 2-3 hours to finish the campaign. The voxel visuals are fairly good and the physics work well overall. It does feel a bit overpriced at £16.99, I think it could have appealed more for a lower price point, but that’s my only real criticism.

The Verdict

While it is very similar to Angry Birds in its premise, Blow It Up does well to add its own spin on things with its mid-air powers. It’s price may be a hard sell, but if you are a fan of similar games then maybe wait to grab it if it goes on sale.

Score: 7.0

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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