PS5 Review: Death Elevator

Can you reach the top floor?

Journey to the top floor of this skill based game and kill waves of enemies as you uncover the mystery of the elevator. A short and minimalist roguelike where every hit is lethal but time slows down whenever you are in danger. Reach the top floor or die trying!

Death Elevator feels like a mixture of SUPERHOT and Killer7 with a roguelike premise. You go through floors of enemies either shooting you or trying to reach you and attack you with melee weapons, but the game actually slows down when you are about to be hit, so it gives you a chance to move out of the way or in some cases, shoot the bullets out of the air with your own.

You can only take one hit. One. You can also die by falling off ledges, which I shamefully did on my first run. I was doing relatively well up until then too! It’s a short game, but there’s a Hardcore mode which ramps up the difficulty as you would expect.

Some floors have other weapons scattered, but you’ll need to conserve the ammo as you will revert back to your pistol after using all your ammo. Luckily, the pistol has infinite ammo and is powerful too.

The visual style does have SUPERHOT vibes, but the way that enemies die definitely reminded me of Killer7. The framerate is solid, load times are short, the soundtrack is minimalist but gets the job done and I didn’t come across any glitches in my runs.

The Verdict

Death Elevator is an enjoyable roguelike. It’s simple, but effective. It may not have the longevity that some would hope for, but it’s good to replay it and see how quickly you can speed run it.

Score: 7.5