PS5 Review: Girlfriend from Hell

Is this puzzle game cute or from Hell?

Girlfriend From Hell is an addictive and funny arcade 2D puzzle game. The main goal of the game is the revenge of a girl – to her lover. The heroine needs to find items and use them to turn her boyfriend’s life into hell. You need to collect various items to make a trap with their help.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this point. I don’t want to get too much into it, but I’ve recently become single after being in a 12 year relationship. So the timing of me getting review code for a game called “Girlfriend from Hell” feels a bit on the nose. Still, I’m never one to turn down a game to review…

With that in the back of my mind, I went to play the game and luckily it’s more light-hearted fun than I had imagined. You play as the girlfriend who sets traps for her boyfriend such as putting laxatives over his popcorn or making him slip on something you’ve poured on the ground, all while hiding from him. There are only a few levels and you should get through the game quite quickly, roughly about an hour or so.

The game handles like a point-and-click adventure, you use the right stick to guide the cursor and the other controls are pretty self-explanatory. It is pretty simple to get to grips with and it works well overall. I did notice that my cursor would sometimes drift if left stationary…I do have a new PS5 Pro and a new controller so I’m hoping it’s not drift issues with that already, but I haven’t noticed it in any other games so far.

The visuals are pretty charming, vibrant and it has a nice art style to it. The soundtrack is pretty good and being a 2D puzzle game, the framerate is naturally solid throughout.

The Verdict

Girlfriend from Hell is a short experience, but a fun one that even I laughed at despite my current circumstances. Trophy hunters will earn an easy Platinum here.

Score: 6.5

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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