PS5 Review: Rabbit Raid

Is this cutesy platformer worth hopping through rings for?

Save your family by going on an adventure as a cute bunny. Collect berries, find secrets with bonuses, throw objects at enemies or jump on them to win. Find secret stars and change costumes. Defeat the bosses and get to the last one to save the little rabbits from captivity. Explore green fields, caves, rivers, snowy mountains, icy lakes, deserts and ruins.

Rabbit Raid is a very traditional, old-school 2D platformer where you move from left to right, finding hidden areas for collectibles and throwing vegetables at enemies. It’s pretty standard stuff, but what I don’t understand is that using the vegetables only really seems to be necessary during boss battles or for taking to certain points to upgrade your health. The rest of the time you can just jump on their heads.

The game is very short, I completed it in about an hour and while I enjoyed it, it didn’t do anything that stood out. It felt like it was just trying to tick some boxes, but it’s a very easy Platinum for those trophy hunters.

The visuals have a retro 2D vibe and a cutesy art style. The soundtrack is decent, the framerate is solid throughout and load times are pretty much non-existent.

The Verdict

Rabbit Raid is a nice enough platformer, but its main gimmick of throwing veg at enemies feels more of an afterthought. It’s very short and an easy Platinum, but there’s no real reason to return to it once you’ve grabbed that last trophy.

Score: 6.5

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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